A History of the Rubidium Frequency Standard | IEEE UFFC
A History of the Rubidium Frequency Standard. View Document. PDF 3.92 .

A History of the Rubidium Frequency Standard. View Document. PDF 3.92 .
The fractional frequency stability, limited predominantly by noise in the local oscillator, is measured to be 7 × 10 −16 after one day of averaging. Based on the proposed quasi-continuous regime of operation of the fountain, the accuracy of the Rb standard of 5 × 10 −17 reachable in two days of averaging is predicted.
FS [US], Spectratime Rubidium Frequency Standard SRO-100 10MHz - Page 1 EEVblog Electronics Community Forum A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals
With 5065AGuru providing advice and cheering me on, I was able to repair it. Since Corby said that my failure was unusual, I thought I'd document the three problems I ended up fixing for the possible benefit of other owners. My 5065A is a late vintage unit with a serial number prefix of 2816A which suggests a manufacturing date of 1988 or 1989.
The recent redesign activities to eliminate obsolete parts in the RFS-IIF as well as improvements and updates to the PerkinElmer test facility funded by the USAF GPS Wing under the Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard Modification (RAFSMOD) Program are discussed. PerkinElmer provides the rubidium frequency standards (RFS) for the …
Re: AT&T - Efratom RFG-RB Rubidium Frequency Standard. Thanks for the reply. The unit I purchased is identical to the one in the link but says AT&T in place of the Lucent badge. I have been unable to find any users or operation manuals on this unit, the only info I can find just refers to the units ability to ad a slave unit and or a GPS …
Rubidium frequency standards based on the EFRATOM FRK modules usually have the facility to measure 'Lamp Voltage'. Does anyone know what is actually …
There was a flood on the market due to the change over from 3G to LTE, many cabinets were upgraded and the old rubidium standards were replaced. These found there way on ebay. With a huge supply, prices dropped. Now that most of the conversion work is done there is less supply and prices have gone back up. Logged.
Finally, we measured the absolute frequency of the rubidium clock transition and found that it agrees well with prior measurements. 2. Materials and Methods. ... Proceedings of the 2019 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF/IFC); Orlando, FL, USA. 14–18 April 2019 ...
Time Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007, pp. 1127 ... The rubidium atomic frequency standard (RAFS) and the passive hydrogen maser (PHM) are at present the baseline clock technologies for the ...
Presented is a double-resonance continuous-wave laser-pumped rubidium (Rb) atomic clock with a short-term stability of 4×10 −13 τ −1/2 for integration times 1 s≤τ≤1000 s, and a medium- to long-term stability reaching the 1×10 −14 level at 10 4 s. The clock uses an Rb vapour cell with increased diameter of 25 mm, accommodated inside a newly developed …
In last 20 years, driven by the demands of satellite navigation and relevant fields, the Rb atomic clock has been greatly improved on its frequency stability. Now the …
A voltage-controlled oscillator excites the cell with a 6.8 GHz signal. Rubidium atoms can exist in three states. Because of a filter in the system, the cell will eventually reach a steady state ...
Re: Testing the HP 5315B with a Rubidium frequency standard. I'd like to do this as well : use the FE-5680A as a 10 MHz frequency standard. I have bought one via eBay and it works fine in the test setup. Some simple tests : My HP 33120A has to be set to 10 MHz + 81 Hz to generate the same frequency as the FE-5680A.
In this article, a new type of physics package with high signal to noise ratio for a rubidium atomic frequency standard is reported. To enhance the clock transition signal, a slotted tube microwave cavity with a field orientation factor of 0.93 and an absorption cell with the diameter of 30 mm were utilized in design of the cavity-cell …
An, S., et al.: IEEE 2016 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF)-York, United Kingdom (2016.4.4–2016.4.7). 2016 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF)-Main features of space rubidium atomic Frequency standard for …
Re: Rubidium frequency standard not locking « Reply #7 on: February 27, 2014, 10:13:19 pm » Those devices have a useful life, at some point they get tired for a lack of a better term.
#1. Hi all, I'm looking for some sort of frequency standard (10 MHz ref.?). Ebay has rubdium frequency standards for under $100.00. and there are also GPS …
Re: Eevblog #235 - Rubidium Frequency Standard. « Reply #55 on: February 05, 2012, 06:24:10 pm ». I think it means that the frequency may drift 2e-9 per year relative to initial value. So in one year, one could expect the frequency to be between 10 MHz* (1-2e-9) and 10 MHz* (1+2e-9), if it is initially exactly 10 MHz.
FS: Datum Efratom LPRO 101 Rubidium Frequency Standard, calibrated, with PCB kit. LPRO 101 clock is a classic product in the field, the most valuable kit for the electronic fans, even the others try to copy it, just like FE5682A, XHTF10034 etc, you can compare the KPI (aging tolerance of frequency, phase noise, MTBF etc), since the …
EEVblog Electronics Community Forum » EEVblog » ... Back to affordable frequency standards, it would be really interesting to hear what those of you with a Rubidium Frequency Standard laying around think of the 'Network Frequency Transfer' project. It's advertised as a 'better than 1ppm' frequency standard by it's Danish creator, …
We present a dedicated microwave frequency synthesizer at 6.834 GHz in place of the commercial microwave signal generator. A phase-locked loop (PLL)-based direct digital synthesizer (DDS) generates a 134 MHz signal, which is mixed with a 6.7 GHz signal output from a phase-locked dielectric resonant oscillator (PDRO), to deliver a …
Lamp-pumped rubidium atomic frequency standard (RAFS) is one of the most commonly utilized atomic frequency standards. Over the past few decades, the RAFS's frequency stability performance has improved rapidly, and the best one has been in the
Advantage of 1 is low phase noise. Disadvantage of 1 is that output frequency is fixed. Advantage of 2 is output frequency is adjustable. Disadvantage of 2 is relatively high phase noise owing to ultimate frequency being result of DDS. My understanding is PRS10, FRS, LPRO, LPRO101 are type 1. On the other hand, FA5650, …
Ebay has rubdium frequency standards for under $100.00 and there are also GPS disciplined OXCO frequency standards for ~$150.00 . My question : Is a 10-20 year old rubidium standard more accurate (even with aging drift) that a newer GPS disciplined OXCO? I can't afford a GPS corrected rubidium standard ( ~$700.00+).
Re: EEVblog #456 - CSIRO Rubidium Frequency Standard. « Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 05:03:01 am ». According to the manual for the 53131A, you can connect your rubidium frequency standard up to the back of the frequency counter (search the PDF for the words "external timebase"), and suddenly the accuracy of your Agilent …
The rubidium frequency standard is widely used in global positioning systems, 1,2 communication, navigation, and running survey systems owing to its excellent properties such as low weight, small volume, low power consumption, and high reliability. 3,4 The lamp-pumped rubidium atomic frequency standard (RAFS) arguably affords …
Thanks for the thoughts guys. To be fair, Kasper does say the Network Tranfer Frequency (NTF) project is better than 1ppm. And after all Dave, you're on record as saying, "But hey, yeah, point six ppm - Good enough for Australia."OK, I admit, I'm taking your comment slightly out of context - but equally, a lot of hobbyists probably rely on a …
EFRATOM LPRO-101. 10 MHz Rubidium Frequency Standard. Output: 10,000,000.00 Hz sine wave. Tested and working perfectly. Stable and precise. The unit locks in around 3min30sec after its warm-up phase. It requires 24V and at least 1.6A of power. I would let it go for 250 EUR / 280 USD and can post it worldwide.
Really nice Ball Efratom PRFS-102 Rubidium frequency standard for sale. Works perfectly, locks in under 3 minutes (spec is 6 minutes) Last calibrated in 2016 Photos shows the 10 MHz, 5 MHz and 1 MHz outputs. My Fluke counter is using my SRS FS725 as a reference Comes with op/service manual and FRS package op/service manual Asking …
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