anion exchange method for separating tellurium and heavy metals. (in russian) ...

anion exchange method for separating tellurium and heavy metals. (in russian) ...
This work takes advantage of outstanding multi-signals of QDs coupled with convenient ion exchange to achieve multi-mode detection of the target, avoiding false positive or false negative signals generated in the traditional detection process, and thus can be used for the rapid detection of various biomolecules in actual samples.
Ion Exchange and Tellurium. Science topic Ion Exchange. Reversible chemical reaction between a solid, often one of the ion exchange resins, and a fluid whereby ions may be exchanged from one ...
Cu2–xTe nanocubes were used as starting seeds to access metal telluride nanocrystals by cation exchanges at room temperature. The coordination number of the entering cations was found to play an important role in dictating the reaction pathways. The exchanges with tetrahedrally coordinated cations (i.e., with coordination number 4), such …
Tellurium(IV) has been separated from large amounts of Se (IV) by sorption of the Te (IV) complex in 6 M HCl on a strongly basic anion-exchanger [ 22 ]. Tellurium can be …
Ion exchange, Nanocrystals, Nanowires, Transmission electron microscopy; ... those of metal–telluride nanocrystals are less explored due to the lower abundance of tellurium. However, tellurium, a group VI element placed at the border between metals and nonmetals in the periodic table, has the ability to adopt multiple oxidation states, …
Here, we show that the tellurium anion exchange of weissite Cu2-xSe nanoparticles using a trioctylphosphine-tellurium complex (TOP═Te) yields weissite Cu2-xSe1-yTey solid solutions, rather than ...
potential to completely separate cadmium from tellurium 47 in acidic solutions. Ion-exchange technology offers a viable 48 alternative for treating such waste streams. By …
leaching, ion exchange separation, precipitation and electrowinning. Low concentration sulfuric acid solutions were effective in totally leaching cadmium and tellurium out of the glass matrix. We used ion exchange columns in series to separate copper and tellurium from cadmium in solution. Subsequently, we recovered Cd and Te …
We found that low sulfuric acid strength (i.e., 0.5 M) was most effective in removing cadmium from solutions. Different ion-exchange resins were tested for their affinity for cadmium and tellurium ions. In the selected systems, the ion-exchange rate of cadmium was rapid in the first 20 min, and reached equilibrium within 2 h.
A comparison of the distribution coefficients (Kd) of tellurium and iodine-131 (131I) between hydrochloric acid of various concentrations (without and in presence of 0.1 M thiourea) and the cation exchange resin (Dowex50WX8) was studied. The Kd of tellurium and 131I at different concentrations of th …
A comparison of the distribution coefficients (K d) of tellurium and iodine-131 (131 I) between hydrochloric acid of various concentrations (without and in presence of 0.1 M thiourea) and the cation exchange resin (Dowex50WX8) was studied.The K d of tellurium and 131 I at different concentrations of thiourea in 0.1 M HCl on the …
LDHs with memory effect and anion exchange capacity were used as assemblies. • CNFs worked as architectures and DA was employed as the adhesive. • The surface defect of LCUM/D was compensated. • The rejection of tellurium by LCUM/D was enhanced. • The water permeability and anti-fouling properties of LCUM/D were improved.
Here, we show that the tellurium anion exchange of weissite Cu 2–x Se nanoparticles using a trioctylphosphine–tellurium complex (TOP═Te) yields weissite Cu 2–x Se 1–y Te y solid solutions, rather than complete exchange to weissite Cu 2–x Te, with compositions that are tunable based on the amount of TOP═Te used.
Development of an ion-exchange method for separation of radioiodine from tellurium and antimony and its application to the production of 124I via the 121Sb(α,n)-process K. F. Hassan S. Spellerberg B. Scholten Z. Saleh S. Qaim
Different ion-exchange resins were tested for their affinity for cadmium and tellurium ions. In the selected systems, the ion-exchange rate of cadmium was rapid in the first 20 min, and reached ...
Journal Article: Sorption of tellurium ion from aqueous solutions by anion-exchangers and amphoteric ion-exchangers
Ion exchange chromatography was used to separate selenium and tellurium in order to reduce the amount of organic solvent. Czapla et al.( Grygoyć and …
Using Dowex-i, tellurium*** showed no adsorption, tin (IV) varied from Kd of 5800 at pH 1.4 to 6700 at pH 4.2 and the Kd of antirnony (V) was 42 atpH 1.4, droppingto 15 at pu of 4.2. No adsorption of the elements occurred at pH 7.4 and 8.8. These results indicated a probable good column separation, though to avoid hydrolysis difficulties, the ...
Question: Write the full and short electron configuration for tellurium. My final answer was: Full Configuration: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 4. Short: [Kr] 5sX2 4dX10 5pX4 [ K r] 5 s X 2 4 d X 10 5 p X 4. However, checking with google, it seems the answer is actually: [Kr] 4dX10 5sX2 5pX4 [ K r] 4 d X 10 5 s X 2 5 p …
I would like to know if any of the tellurium fluorides or antimony fluorides are ionic. I am aware that the difference in electronegativity is greater than the 1.665 cutoff indicating ionic bonds. Melting point and reactivity seem to somewhat support that tellurium (iv) fluoride is ionic but this is not proof.
Elemental tellurium readily dissolves in ionic liquids (ILs) based on tetraalkylphosphonium cations even at temperatures below 100 °C. In the case of ILs with acetate, decanoate, or dicyanamide anions, …
Smelting of cadmium telluride and sulfur can produce Te and CdS. With a temperature of 550 °C -. 800°C, a vacuum distillation time of 30 min and a resi dual gas pressure of 15 Pa, Te was ...
It is important to eliminate excessive fluoride ions in order to access good quality water. Many technologies have been used for the defluoridation and water treatment, such as ion exchange [6 ...
Ion exchange reactions of colloidal nanoparticles post-synthetically modify the composition while maintaining the morphology and crystal structure and therefore are important for tuning properties and producing otherwise inaccessible and/or metastable materials. ... Here, we show that the tellurium anion exchange of weissite Cu 2-x Se ...
Tellurium. Formula: Te. Molecular weight: 127.60. IUPAC Standard InChI:InChI=1S/Te/q-1 Copy. IUPAC Standard InChIKey:KPAKJCZNXLKDNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N Copy. CAS …
The mechanism of sorption of tellurium (VI) by anion-exchangers was deduced from sorption and IR-spectroscopic data. Differences in the behavior of tellurium and selenium were used for separating these elements in 0.05 N H/sub 2/SeO/sub 4/ + 0.05 N H/sub 6/TeO/sub 6/ solution of pH = 1.0 with the aid of EDE-10P anion-exchange resin.
Tellurium. Get e-Alerts. Abstract. Ion exchange reactions of colloidal nanoparticles post-synthetically modify the composition while maintaining the morphology and crystal …
Ion exchange, Nanorods; ... By examining the elemental composition, morphology, and crystallinity post exchange, it was found that the tellurium ions replaced sulfur ions to generate weissite in a way that maintained the (pseudo-)hexagonally close-packed sublattice as well as the morphology and crystallinity. Unusually, the anion exchange ...
ELSEVIER Journal of Chromatography A, 779 (1997) 147-154 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A Investigations of the behaviour of tellurium(IV) and selenium(IV) in ion-exchange chromatography Maria Bettia'*, Stefania Giannarellib, Massimo Onorb "European Commission, JRC, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Postfach 2340, …
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